Thursday, December 2, 2010


Now this little road sign is something that I truly miss living here in the Great United States.  It's for a roundabout - I think you call them circles.  The fact is that they are very efficient traffic designs.

Here we have the infamous stop signs - either two way or four way.  Nasty traffic delayers they are too.  I remember one in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.  It worked fine for most of the day but when the offices turned out at 5, they did nothing but slow the cars to an absolute crawl. 
All because the cars had to stop one after another.  And the police used to watch on occasions as well.

I know of a circle out here - in Venice - but it's nothing like the extra special roundabouts that sometimes occur in the UK.  There's one in Hemel Hempstead where you can actually go the wrong way - great fun.

It used to be the case in Holland where the traffic used to stop on the roundabout rather than stop going into it.  It was somewhat chaotic.  I heard it said that it was to confuse the Germans.  Do they still do it?

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