Wednesday, March 20, 2013


As I reported recently I took a fall on some ice and wrenched my knee.  It became progressively painful and I was at a loss to know quite what to do.  As a refugee from British socialist medicine, I, along with my fellow citizens, have been trained to avoid doctors' offices like the plague.  Even if you can get an appointment, unless you are actively hemorrhaging or a piece of you that you deem important is looking like it might fall off, you keep away.


But I'm in America now and things are (for the meantime anyway) different.  So I went along, got the first appointment the next day, ahead of the walking dead who are always there first.  After the intitial weigh-in and blood pressure check - all in order there - I was seen by the doctor in five minutes flat.  He looked at it, prodded it and went out to return with some needles.  One to see if an anaesthetic would work, then after it did, another, followed by a third deeper in. 

The entire process took about ten minutes which gave us plenty of time to talk about the world and to catch up. 

After a ten-minute stop-over to pick up some pills for the next four days, I was already 50% better and by the evening 90%!  Ain't American medicine wonderful!

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