Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Movie # 6

Movie number six is Apocalypse Now.  I saw this movie when it came out, in the north of England which is not one of my favorite places.  I'll try and explain that in a future post.  But at the time I was not in a very happy state and I found the film to be very depressing.  Also the final part where Martin Sheen meets up with the mad Col. Kurtz, is it?  Played by Marlo Brando it is very weird.  ("Oh, the horror!)  However like a lot of moves over the years, I've watched it several more times and come to appreciate it, hence its position here on my list of the top ten movies.  I wonder if you agree with me so far.  If you're new to the blog you can go into the index at the side and click on "Movie," or go into the previous month's postings.

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