Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Riots in London

Beware the power of the mob - once started it's hard to control
I am sure people must be amazed at the rioting in London.  I have been asked about it a lot.  Here is a report regarding riots. "London was the scene of the worst riots in English history.  Chapels, prisons, and  hundreds of houses were burned to the ground; drunken toughs and gangs of apprentices and prostitutes terrified and molested the inhabitants; thousands of troops with orders to act at their own discretion were called in; at least 700 people died and the damage was incalculable." 

This is from the fly leaf of a book I have on my shelves called King Mob.  It's about the riots of June 1780.  After the revolution in America, France too took matters into its own hands with the terror and the grand terror in 1794.  People all over the world were ready for change.  But beware what you wish for.  And remember: Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!  The more things change the more they stay the same!
For a fuller explanation of the situation in the UK, this is an article from the Daily Mail's Max Hastings which tells the story of how we got to this place.

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