Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday's Column - Burlington Arcade

This week's column is devoted to two Burlington Arcades.  One in London, and surprisingly, one in Pasadena, Southern California.  I had no idea there was this duplicate out here and made an effort to go along and see what it was like.  I'm very fond of the original back home, so I was fascinated to see what the local one could be like.  Surely no beadles to enforce the rules?
Burlington Arcade, Pasadena, CA.

Well, I was pleasantly surprised that it is in fact rather nice.
A little smaller than the original with only 12 shops rather then the 40 over there.

Being so much shorter, there is no need for the Victorian beadle to be on hand, and there is background music playing which would be a no no in Piccadilly.

They also have an old fashioned red phone box, but with no instrument inside, well who needs public phone boxes these days with everyone on 4G!

One shopkeeper told me that there were some problems recently with the name as the London owners don't like the US using the name.  Sounds to me like the place must have been bought by foreigners as no self-respecting Brit would mind, I am certain.  You can read the entire column at

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