Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I was down the hill the other day to do a couple of stories.  I was driving along the 210 when the traffic began to slow alarmingly, it almost certainly meant an accident up ahead.  Well, I was in no particular hurry with no set appointments, so I sat back and listened to the rants of talk radio - always an education.
Eventually I realized I was much closer to the scene than I thought and made my way over to the exit coming up.  Thinking myself rather clever, I left the freeway, drove across the traffic light at the top of the ramp and then went down to the empty part of the freeway beyond.  Ha, Ha!
Not so fast!  The  large Sheriff standing there would not let me go any further.  A huge police helicopter was going to land and he didn't want it to do so on me!  So we watched the maneuver which was a first for me in 30 years of driving these concrete canyons.

Eventually, a stretcher was pushed along to deliver a casualty to the interior of the chopper and off it lifted allowing us to continue.  Two things of note; I'd hate to be the injured man when he gets the bill for all this technology as he will definitely get one.  And one last thing; if a helicopter lands on the freeway next to you, don't leave the window down to take a picture - The rotors will push all dirt on the road right into your car!  And there's a lot of it!!!!!!

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