Thursday, February 16, 2012

Seven Wonders of the World - Tokyo

Knowing I've been lucky enough to travel a lot in my life, my friend Paul in England, suggested I post my personal seven wonders of the world.  So here is the first one on my list.  They are not in any particular order as they are all wonderful.
I first went to Tokyo in 1976.  It was an amazing opportunity.  I followed up twice more and then didn't go back again until the '90's, when my son Michael went out to live there.

It truly is a vibrant place and particularly for someone who now lives in the silent mountains, where if the paper delivery man happens to pull into the drive at the crack of dawn, and his lights flash across the ceilings everyone wakes up.

Tokyo is full of energy, and light, and noise.  It's also full of Japanese with their own personal philosophy of bushido, which means honor, frugality and hard work.

The traffic is horrendous, but always orderly.  The restaurants are full and there are bars, which is more than can be said for the country areas of Japan where people don't go out for drinks.  That is where the frugality bit really begins to bite.

I've always been attracted to cities, but have never actually lived in one.  And if I had the chance to do so, I would certainly name Tokyo as one of the cities I'd like to spend some lengthy time in, as I've never quite understood the geography of the place.

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