Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams

I have just read that National Public Radio have fired Juan Williams for stating on the O'Reilly Factor that he is uncomfortable flying with people wearing Muslim garb.  Now I rarely agree philosophically with Mr. Williams, but how bad is it that a perfectly decent man can be fired from an institution accepting taxpayer dollars for expressing his opinion?  This surely smacks of the Thought Police Regime straight out of George Orwell's "1984."

Incidentally, it's about time we had another go at making a decent movie of "1984."  The one starring John Hurt and Richard Burton never really quite captured the true horror of the first showing on BBC TV back in the mid fifties.  That was truly a chilling experience in my youth.  I have never forgotten it, and that is why I have a visceral hatred of the type of groupthink behavior that fired the good Mr. Williams.  Shame on you NPR! Apropos, the silence from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson has been deafening!

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