Monday, October 11, 2010

Strawberry Peak

Sunday's column was about the fire lookout at Strawberry Peak.  It's located high above the small town of Rim Forest.  It's a devil to get to if you don't know the way, as the final signpost has vanished.  But tenacity got me there.  Having committed myself to doing this piece I was damned if I was going home empty handed.
Strawberry Peak Fire Lookout
Once you make the journey, and climb the iron steps the view is amazing.  It overlooks all of San Bernardino and out into the valleys on both sides.  The lookout along with its sisters, Keller Peak and Butler Peak, were built in the 1930's.  They are manned by a group of volunteers who scan the mountains for fires breaking out.  If fire is spotted they call in to a central command, and helicopters are dispatched to get an early start on any blaze.  We're in the peak of the fire season at the moment but we've been lucky with cool weather and some drizzle so far.  You can read the entire column at 

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