Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The subject of bullying has recently been discussed by politicians and also a new Hollywood film.  Bullying seems to be a fact of life and yet those in charge of children don't seem able to stop it. 
I had a nasty experience myself when I was about seven.  I was a tall thin, and shy child, and I became the object of tormenting by the "boss" of the playground, 'Poofy' Williams.  This was a fat boy of about eight or so and maybe he was a budding anorexic and envied me my slender frame.  But every break time became a nightmare for me as 'Poofy' would make a beeline for me and along with his pals set upon me.
Eventually my mother noticed that I was not very happy at the start of my school day and wheedled the truth out of me.  My father was sent for.  He was the fount of all knowledge for me, of course.  He said there was a very easy way to stop this problem and he would show me how.  He made me make a fist and hold it behind my back.  Then he told me to hit him on the point of his nose.  I was concerned that I would hurt him but he just swayed out of the way as I struck out.  He made me practise the maneuver over and over until I had it down pat.
I didn't have long to wait to try out this system.  The very next day, 'Poofy' waddled over for his morning's sport.  I stood still, concentrated on the point of his nose and unleashed my fist.  It was right on target.
Now in my life I have witnessed many life altering and momentous things.  My first sight of television, atomic bomb tests, man walking on the moon, and up there is the memory of Poofy's exploding protuberance as I connected.  It was an incredible sight.  He bled and cried all over the playground.  His cohorts were as amazed as everybody else and did nothing but laugh at him.  He never acknowledged me again.  Ever!

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