Saturday, August 13, 2011


I've been lucky to spend some time in Denmark and I always enjoyed going there.  There is something about the Danes that is very civilized and sensible.  In fact on one occasion, knowing that she was from Scandinavia, I asked the girlfriend of a contact of mine if she was Swedish.  He took me to one side later and said, that I should never ask a "Scandy" that.  Better you should ask if they are Danish.  All the other Scandinavian nationals will be flattered that you should think them Danish, and of course, the Danes will be pleased.

I think one of the best examples of Danish savoire faire is the "Chamber of Commerce" in Copenhagen.  On my first visit I was taken to this place in the center of the city by a very smart man who used to be an aide to one of Denmark's admirals.  It was not quite what I expected.  It was a large club-like place with a long bar and a great number of attractive women in long evening dresses.  It was in fact a clip joint - the best in Copenhagen - and it was called the chamber of commerce, as the "ladies" became cheaper as the night went on.  My escort kept a very tight rein on me, although he didn't really need to do so.

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