I'm not "doing" the LA County Fair this year as I did it last year. It's quite a lot of fun and particularly so if you like to eat food that your doctor dissapproves of. The Fair is a big deal out in Pomona and you can smell the calories as soon as you get out of the car. Usually the temperatures at this time are on the warm side, so if you go be prepared. Also wear comfortable shoes as you'll walk a long way

Now the food you will experience if you have the appetite is mostly fried. Huge turkey legs, chicken, and frankly stuff that shouldn't be fried at all is piled on your paper or plastic plates - this is not a fine dining experience! S.W.M.B.O. (She Who Must Be Obeyed) managed to find a salad there, but when she arrived back at the table, I was well into a large plate of highly flavored fried lard!
But it is an interesting place if you like that type of thing. I always visit the animal areas at the fair. They have a large building devoted to farm animals and I'm sure a lot of Los Angelinos have never seen pigs, cows, sheep and other domestic animals in real life.
Provided you haven't eaten too much you can also ride on the various gravity defying machines as well. Also the Fairplex Race Track is open and you can watch mules in competition. One day they even race dachshounds. The Budweiser Clydesdales are usually there too, but they definitely don't race!
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